Micro News|Huahong Technology held the 2021 annual summary meeting and advanced recognition meeting
Micro News|Huahong Technology held the 2021 annual summary meeting and advanced recognition meeting

Set an example and strive to live up to it


In the afternoon of January 18, 2022, Hua Hong Technology held the 2021 annual summary meeting and advanced commendation meeting in the sixth floor conference room of the company. Chairman Hu Shiyong, Vice Chairman Hu Pinxian, General Manager Hu Pinlong, all the middle and senior management, supervisors and advanced employees of Huahong Technology attended the meeting.

The meeting was chaired by Xu Yufeng, the director of HR and Administration Department.

1、The general manager made the annual report


Set sail for a new journey and improve again in stability

Hu Pinlong, general manager of Huahong Technology, made an annual report, which made a comprehensive analysis of the annual operation of Huahong Technology in 2021, summarized the achievements made by the company in quality improvement, cost reduction, efficiency and service, and fully affirmed the achievements made by everyone. The general manager also put forward the 2022 work deployment and key work arrangements before and after the holidays for the six major lines of marketing, production, technology, quality center, finance and personnel administration of the company.


2. Vice Chairman Hu Pinxian read out the commendation decision


<div><br>Decision on commending advanced employees and excellent managers in 2021 All departments and workshops.     In 2021, under the correct leadership of the Board of Directors of Hua Hong Technology and with the joint efforts of all employees, the company achieved excellent results in the fields of technology research and development, production, sales, service and management, and the production and sales profit set a new historical record. In this process, a number of excellent employees and managers have emerged for the development of the company with hard work and selfless dedication. In order to  a working atmosphere of "positive, everyone strives to be advanced", to promote the love and dedication to work, and to strengthen the staff's sense of identity and belonging to the company, the company decided to give recognition to the staff and managers who worked seriously and performed well in 2021. The honored advanced employees are: (see below for the list) We hope that the commended employees and managers can continue to spur themselves on, keep the honor, continue to work hard, work diligently, put into work with more enthusiasm, and use practical actions to promote the successful completion of various tasks in the New Year. At the same time, all employees are called upon to take the outstanding employees and managers who have been honored as examples, unite and work hard, and contribute their strength to the solid and healthy development of the company.                                                                                                                                                                                                            Jiangsu Hua Hong Technology Co.                                                                                                                                                      January 24, 2022 

3、Giving awards to the  advanced employees and advanced managers


The first batch of advanced staff ( left to right) marketing director Yan Rui award

Chen Sanhua (Lu Shuangjian on behalf of), Hu Yeliang, Li Li, the

Jin Min, Chen Zheng (Bian Jinzhong on behalf of)

Zhou Mingfei (Lu Jiandong on behalf of), Zhao Pinghua (Wu Jianfeng on behalf of)

Liu Jiancheng (Ge Yongqing), Xu Haibin


The 2nd batch of advanced employees ( left to right) Chen Fangming, vice president of marketing, presented the award

Ni Chunmiao, Gu Xiping, Hu Baochuan, the

Gu Zhongqi, Xu Yan, Lu Xingcai

Lu Jianfeng, Ji Ling (Jin Min Dai), Gong Yunfeng


The 3rd batch of advanced employees ( left to right) Vice President of Finance Zhu Dayong presents the award

Sheng Lihu, Jiang Yuhu, Xing Xiuxiang, Li Tianpei

Yuan Jian, Chen Guohua, Cai Yuanming (Tao Xiaoshuang on behalf of)

Liu Benchun (Hu Xinbo on behalf of), Lu Chunhai


The 4th batch of advanced employees ( left to right) General Manager Hu Pinlong presents the award

Qian Fang, Chen Xiangling, Li Leifeng

Li Kai (Jiang Xiaozhong on behalf of), Bian Zhenlong, the

Xie Fazhong (Qian Chun on behalf of), Xia Xiaohai

Xiang Shuping (Yu Chaoqing's behalf)


The 5th batch of advanced employees (left to right) Vice Chairman Hu Pinxian presented the award

Qian Dongjun, Dong Jianguo, Huang Zhenhua (Xia Xiaohai on behalf of)

Chen Wei, Jin Xiaobo, Yue Dongming (Zhao Xiaozhong on behalf of)

Zhou Junrong, Zhao Guochun


The 6th batch of advanced managers ( left to right) Chairman Hu Shiyong presented the awards

Wang Hengyu, Zhou Chenlei, Wu Jianfeng, Zhu Bingfeng

Bian Hairong, Zhu Liqing, Qian Guokai


                                 Advanced representative Zhu Bingfeng delivered his acceptance speech

4、Speech by the chairman


Chairman Hu Shiyong, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Group and the Board of Directors of Hua Hong Technology, expressed his warm congratulations to the commended individuals and managers for their achievements in the past year. The chairman pointed out that the achievements are positive, but there are also problems, and in the future work, effective measures should be taken to improve in a timely manner.

Regarding the commendation, the chairman made the following comments.

①Congratulations to the six batches of advanced employees and managers who were honored.

②Advanced should be respected, but also self-respect, to be supervised and stand the test, to promote the positive spirit and improve the quality of advanced.

③Advanced is relative and dynamic, advanced should have new pursuits, not be arrogant, have new goals, and take the lead by example.

④To a number of high-quality old advanced, but also a number of new advanced, so that advanced more advanced, everyone to catch up with the advanced, a large number of people as advanced.

Finally, the chairman wished all the staff a happy New Year, good work and good luck in the Year of the Tiger!