Huahong Technology carries out summer high temperature safety emergency knowledge training
Huahong Technology carries out summer high temperature safety emergency knowledge training

Summer temperature is high, people are easy to fatigue, prone to dizziness and heat stroke phenomenon, all kinds of safety hazards increase, is the most common period of accidents. In order to prevent the occurrence of safety accidents, to ensure the safety of employees and the company's production, the need for all staff to be vigilant and safe in the summer. Recently, Huahong Science and Technology Safety Management Department organized a summer heat safety emergency knowledge training.

Summer heat safety emergency knowledge


Characteristics of summer operations

1, high temperature, long daily hours, frequent thunderstorms and windy weather;

2、Operators are easy to fatigue, easy to heatstroke, easy to work against the rules;

3, summer hazardous chemical fire and explosion accident potential hazards;

4, the peak of electricity consumption in summer, electrical appliances heat is common, the environment is humid, easy to electricity safety accidents;

5, summer sunlight intensity, high ambient temperature, easy to fire and explosion accidents.

Safety points of high temperature work in summer

1, the wearing of personal protective equipment: personal protective equipment, including helmets, safety shoes, protective gloves, goggles and so on. Correct wear to ensure that the size is appropriate, wear the correct position and firm, such as helmets need to be fastened to the head, goggles to fit around the eyes.

2, electrical safety: involving circuit protection, equipment grounding, anti-electric shock measures. For example, to ensure that the wires are not damaged, regular inspection and maintenance of electrical equipment, wet hands do not touch the power supply.

3. Hazardous chemical safety: This includes the proper storage, use, transportation, and emergency handling of hazardous chemicals. Hazardous chemicals such as propane should be stored in specific containers and environments, and strict operating procedures should be followed when using them.

4、Fire safety: including the equipment and use of fire fighting facilities, fire prevention, escape routes and so on. For example, regularly check whether the fire extinguisher is effective, do not block the escape routes, and eliminate illegal use of fire and electricity.

Emergency knowledge

1、Fire emergency knowledge: Try to extinguish the fire with fire extinguishers or fire hydrants, but to ensure their own safety; evacuate quickly according to the escape route, cover your mouth and nose with a wet cloth, and walk in a low position.

2, electrocution emergency knowledge: quickly cut off the power supply, such as shutting down the electric switch, with dry sticks and other non-conductive objects will be electrocuted with the power supply separation, with an insulated handle of the axe to cut the wires, with a dry towel wrapped around the hand, tugging the electrocuted person dry clothes, so that it is out of the power supply.

3, heat stroke prevention and first aid knowledge: avoid going out during hot hours, good sun protection, supplemental water and electrolytes; move the patient to a cool, ventilated place, unclothing, cold compresses to cool down, supplemental water.

4、Emergency knowledge of thunderstorm: avoid staying in the open outdoors, stay away from big trees and poles; do not use metal objects and turn off electrical appliances.

5、General rescue methods for on-site rescue: assessing the environmental safety, judging the consciousness and breathing of the injured; stopping bleeding and bandaging wounds, fixing fracture parts; taking resuscitation measures for the unconscious and waiting for professional rescue.

Through this summer hot work emergency safety training, the company staff's safety awareness and emergency response ability has been effectively enhanced, providing a strong guarantee for the safety of summer hot work. In the future, we will continue to pay attention to the safety of high-temperature work, and constantly improve the content and mode of training to ensure the life and health of employees and the company's safe production.