A delegation from China Scrap Steel Application Association inspects Huahong Technology Seminar
A delegation from China Scrap Steel Application Association inspects Huahong Technology Seminar

On the morning of July 31, 2020, the leaders of China Scrap Steel Application Association and Shanghai Iron and Steel Union Scrap Department inspected Huahong Technology. Leaders participating in this meeting include Wang Zhenwu, Chairman of China Scrap Steel Application Association, Li Shubin, Vice President, and Deputy Secretary Wang Fangjie, Chairman, Feng Helin, Deputy Secretary-General; Jia Yinsong, Inspector of the Department of Raw Materials Industry, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and Director of the Rare Earth Office; Hu Shiyong, Chairman of Huahong Technology and Huahong Group, Hu Pinxian, General Manager of Huahong Group and Vice Chairman of Huahong Technology , Hu Pinlong, General Manager of Huahong Technology, Zhu Dayong, Vice President of Finance and other relevant leaders.




Hu Shiyong, Chairman of Huahong Group and Huahong Technology, first introduced the goals of Huahong Technology to the leaders at the meeting: leading the development of world-class industry, building a world-class processing equipment enterprise brand, and providing strong support for industry development.


Secondly, it introduced that during the epidemic period, Huahong Technology focused on prevention and control on one hand and resumption of production on the other hand, achieving the goal of resuming normal work and resuming production until reaching the standard and achieving stable production and sales.


In addition to the development of the industry, the chairman suggested that the association establish equipment acceptance standards. On the other hand, he also hopes that the association will standardize industry entry standards and provide a fair competition environment for large-scale enterprises.


Finally, the chairman thanked the association for its continuous support. The association is the way and leads the way, saying that Huahong Technology will never forget its original intention and is committed to building a world-class processing equipment manufacturing enterprise.


Chairman Wang Zhenwu said that watching Huahong grow from small to large, from weak to strong, to become the leader in the renewable resource processing equipment industry, and to become a comprehensive group enterprise, he affirmed Chairman Hu Shiyong’s ideas and concepts as a leader. It is believed that Chairman Hu Shiyong has brought Huahong to the right position. The association is a road protector, and it is necessary to maintain a large enterprise with responsibility and responsibility like Huahong.


Chairman Wang very much agreed with Chairman Hu Shiyong's suggestion and pointed out that the 12th Five-Year Steel Industry Development Plan mentioned that the industrialization and industrialization of scrap steel processing are moving forward. In the future, the industry will become more centralized and large-scale.


Chairman Li Shubin said that the association thanks Huahong Technology for its continuous support for equipment development and industry development. Chairman Li believes that Huahong's scrap steel processing equipment is of good quality, good service, and the corporate leadership team and entrepreneurial spirit are excellent. And mentioned that several suggestions given to Huahong have been realized one by one. One is to do scrap steel processing, the other is to pay for equipment in installments, and the third is to invest in equipment.


Finally, President Li pointed out that the association serves corporate members, creating a corporate home and being more cohesive, which represents the fundamental interests of member companies.


Director Jia Yinsong pointed out that, first of all, the enterprise should innovate and develop. Under the current situation, internal circulation is the main focus. In the 14th Five-Year Plan, it is necessary to promote the localization and standardization of scrap steel equipment, which is called recycled steel raw material support equipment.


Secondly, Director Jia pointed out that the industrial power revolves around a dream, two hundred years, three steps.


Finally, there are three steps to strengthen the market. One is to combat counterfeit and shoddy products, the other is to rectify and regulate access standards, and the third is to standardize and legalize the industry.


In addition, Director Jia also mentioned rare earth as a functionally-added product, from policies to indicators to the application of high-end functional materials. Affirmed the strategic significance of Huahong Technology's acquisition of Jiangxi Xintai, and there is a lot of room for development in the future.


Gu Minhua, general manager of the Shanghai Steel Union Scrap Division, introduced the situation of the Shanghai Steel Union Scrap Division, and proposed four major business directions of network, information, conference affairs, and big data platform. He mentioned the cooperation with Huahong in various fields. And put forward the development direction of the business unit to the direction of renewable resources.


Hu Pinlong, general manager of Huahong Technology, introduced that Huahong Technology's operating method is honesty and trustworthiness, and high-quality service. Equipment R&D and product quality have comparative advantages in the industry, and the manufacturing process and materials used are at a relatively high level in China. And put forward the fourteenth five-year goals, one is to develop new models to lead the market. The second is that Huahong Technology should achieve the largest market share and sales volume. The third is to build a benchmark enterprise in the industry in accordance with the requirements of the association. The fourth is the multi-variety operation of the circular economy industry, and the development of large-scale, intelligent, automated and visualized products. And to train more million-ton scrap steel processing enterprises.


Finally, General Manager Hu Pinlong proposed that enterprises should standardize management, operate legally, and provide good services. Hope to contribute to the development of the industry, and hope that the association will provide enterprises with new processing technology, new equipment and new requirements, so that Huahong can better research and develop equipment suitable for Chinese scrap steel processing.


Hu Pinxian, general manager of Huahong Group and vice chairman of Huahong Technology, firstly thanked the association for its concern. Under the macroscopic situation, how to develop micro-enterprises has provided new ideas. In the current environment of protracted warfare and internal circulation, Huahong Technology will provide high-end, intelligent, automated, and green equipment. Finally, I would like to thank the Association for its great help in adjusting the development thinking of the enterprise. And hope to maintain greater care and support for Huahong's future development!