Micro News|Zhu Xiaodong and his party visited Jiangxi Wanhong High-tech Material Technology Co.
Micro News|Zhu Xiaodong and his party visited Jiangxi Wanhong High-tech Material Technology Co.

On August 19, Zhu Xiaodong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Vice Mayor of Jiangxi Province, visited Wanan to inspect the project of "unveiling the list and hanging the marshal", including Song Junfa, Deputy Director of the Municipal Government Office, Liu Luofang, Deputy Director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and Liao Guojun, Chief of the Planning Section of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau. County leaders Xiao Jinguang, Huang Zhe, Li Xiaoqing, Zhou Aifu, director of the County Science and Technology Bureau, accompanied.


Braving the scorching sun, Zhu Xiaodong and his entourage traveled lightly and painstakingly to Jiangxi Wanhong High-Tech Materials Co. In the discussion, Zhu Xiaodong listened carefully to the main person in charge of our company on the enterprise "unveiling the list of hanging" project related to the situation report, that Wanhong high-tech project is representative of the project, is the industry "neck" technology, asked in detail about the enterprise in R & D investment, product development, production scale, business management. Product development, production scale, management and other aspects of the specific circumstances of the enterprise in the rare earth industry, the comprehensive strength of the enterprise gave full affirmation, the enterprise declared the project to be the first batch of 2021 Ji'an City "unveiling the list of hanging" project congratulations, hope that the next step of the enterprise can be scientific and meticulous to improve Good project information, to ensure the success of the city "list hanging" project, for the innovative development of enterprises and the county economy of high-quality leapfrog development to add the light of science and technology.


During the period, Zhu Xiaodong and his entourage also went deep into the enterprise production workshops, experimental sites and other important places for field inspection.

It is understood that in 2021, Ji'an City for the first time for the city to carry out the "unveiling of the list of hanging" project, such science and technology projects with a high starting point, research and development difficulties, huge amount of funds and other characteristics, each can get the city financial support funds of about 3 million. The city's 2021 year to be examined in Ji'an City, "the list of hanging" project has 13, involving electronic information, biomedicine, new materials, new energy, equipment manufacturing, green food and other fields.